European Days of Action!
1 – 31 October 2023
Every October, we call on the people of Europe to organize actions for good food and good farming!
Together we fight for a world in which all people have the right to healthy, sustainable and culturally appropriate food.
We want food produced on farms, not factories, and fair incomes for small-scale farmers.
For a food system that protects our soil, water, biodiversity and the climate!
During the European Days of Action, we invite you to organize an event in your city, town or village between the 1st and 31st of October 2023. It can be small or big, bringing together citizens, farmers, food producers and many more! The European Days of Action are a unique opportunity to both call attention to your cause locally and be part of a broad European movement!
Over the last years, thousands of citizens and hundreds of organisations hosted disco soups, protests, farm visits, joint harvests, cooking events, panel-discussions, film-screenings and many more events in their local communities! The events are diverse but united under the cause for #GoodFoodGoodFarming. We include your event in our Action Map and
send you event materials. To get inspired, look at our Action Day Toolkit!
The EU Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy are under attack by conservative politicians and the agroindustry lobby. With a vote on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation in October and the Sustainable Food Systems law proposal in the fall, the EU will make two critical decisions on the future of our food system. It is our time to let decision-makers know: Stop favoring industrial farming giants and support a transition to agroecology!
Take part in the Postcard Action!

We will send you a package with goodies for the Action Days with stickers, an info poster and postcards! Encourage your event guests to fill out the postcards to demand a food system that benefits all! Send them back to us – we deliver them to EU decision-makers in Brussels on November 8.
Order the postcard material via the registration form below or send us your individual order to info(at)!
Register your event!