Scenes from 2019 Days of Action
Video Gallery
Demonstration to European parliament on 22/10 in Strasbourg, Pour une autre PAC and Wir haben Agrarindustrie satt! (FR)
Credits: Digital Vibration + VSK Video.
Food, Farming and Climate Justice March on 5/10 in London, Landworkers Alliance (UK)
Credits: Jason Brooks
Action day with lunch, discussions, concert on 18/10 in Warsaw, Koalicja Żywa Ziemia and Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze” (PL)
Credits: TubeSzub
Mobilisation video Slow Food Tatry
Credits: Slow Food Tatry
From farm to farm on 23/10 in Solares, Slow Food Cantabria (ES)
Credits: Slow Food Cantabria
Fête De La Brebis Brigasque Sheep Festival on 20/10 , Comité D’organisation and Slow Food Nissa (FR).
Credits: Slow Food Nissa
Culminating protest to European Parliament
On 22 October 2019, we gathered with 1,000 protesters from various European countries in Strasbourg to sound the alarm for #GoodFoodGoodFarming. We delivered more than 2,000 postcards from Europeans to the Members of the European Parliament, asking them to act upon our demands for a fair, green and healthy agricultural reform. Find links to the open letter and photo impressions below.
Media Coverage
Some interesting reads from different countries:
- EU: European farmers descend on Strasbourg in protest against planned CAP reform, 22/10/2019, Euractiv, Link
- EU: Farmers protest near European Parliament for more sustainable agriculture, 22/10/2019, Euronews, Link
- FR : A Strasbourg, une « agroparade » paysanne contre l’agrobusiness, 22/10/2019, Le Monde, Link
- DE: Tagesschau, 22/10/2019, Link
- IT: Ong dell’agricoltura sfilano a Strasburgo per una Pac più verde, 22/10/2019, Ansa, Link
- CH: EU: Proteste für nachhaltige Landwirtschaft, 22/10/2019, Link
- RO: Targ de produse locale careincheiecampania”GoodFoodGoodFarming” la Turda, 24/10/2019, Link
- LV: Aizstav mazo zemnieku intereses, 11/10/2019, Link